I recently read a story about Iraq veterans playing golf with their service dogs. A Golf Service Dog. Wouldn’t it be great if we all could go golfing with our dogs!
Think about it. You have a nerve-racking putt, and your mutt sits next to you and calms you down as you give them a good rub behind the ears.
Or say you just chunked a chip and your hound comes over and licks your hand! You would forget about it, how bad could it be?
Dogs also love to chase balls. You could train a Golf Service Dog to hunt for your ball, saving time and speeding play, especially on water holes.
Of course, it would be best if they just “pointed” or if they did retrieve, they would need a soft mouth to preserve your Pro V1s or my neon Noodles.
I’m sure there are tons of reasons this is a stupid idea, like cleaning my spikes after stepping in something soft. But I know it would be worth the trouble.