Duranko Golf

From Your Knees – GolfToons 30

From Your Knees is an original golf cartoon by Marty Glass of GolfToons showing a new rule for dropping the golf ball from your knees, not from your knee.
From Your Knees is an original golf cartoon by Marty Glass of GolfToons showing a new rule for dropping the golf ball from your knees, not from your knee.

From your knees reminds us that golfers call penalties on themselves. An interesting byproduct of this aspect of the game is that often we have to interpret the rules as situations present themselves.

Complications can arise when rules are misinterpreted. A friend of mine thought an unplayable lie was anything in a sand trap.

Rule 14.3 states when taking relief, the ball must be dropped from knee height. There’s a lot more stuff in rule 14.3, but this knee-height could be misinterpreted, especially by the thick-headed that golf amongst us.

There are no rules officials during a typical Saturday morning match at the local Muni. No Slugger Whites. So be patient and be specific when explaining the new rules to the misinformed, from your knees.

And so the game continues to give back, often in the form of fodder for the 19th hole.


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