As any golfer knows, one of the minor downsides to the game is the infamous golfer’s tan. I play golf!
Blinding white, snowman torso with dark appendages of legs and arms sticking out. Then tipped with white feet and ankles. In other words, it is very difficult to ‘rock’ a speedo sporting a golfer’s tan.
For women golfers, the mid-calf tan lines clash with both the one-piece and the bikini. The only potential remedy is a tub of bronzer.
Unfortunately, cover-up attempts are only temporary, and any comic qualities of the golfer’s tan is frowned on by dermatologists.
So instead of fighting it, take pride in your golfer’s tan. Think of the good times you had in acquiring it. Proudly state, “Yes, I do play Golf.”
This is technically our first Golf-Toon. Not sure where this will lead, but it has been fun so far.
Basically, this project started as bar-talk. Two of us sitting with cold beverages after yet another disappointing round, and talking about what should be done. Then during Masters weekend, we started a 2-week trial on SquareSpace and created an outline for Golf-Toons. We purchased a domain and set up Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, Tumblr, MailChimp. We watched Patrick Reed fend off the field to win his first Masters.
A few more sessions, and a chicken dinner later, and we decided to launch before the 2018 US Open. We could have created a online store, added tons of content and lots of Golf-Toons, but instead we launched one Golf-Toon. This gem was sent to a few friends and family to get some gentle feedback. We can do all those other things later, but thought it was a better idea to get something out there. And now, get started on next week’s Golf-Toon.
YouTube Shorts – Golfer Tan Lines