If our clubs and balls could talk, what would they say? Equipment Confidential. I bet they could bend your ear with golf yarns that would make you wince. Imagine a conversation going like this:
“…and he blames me for chili dipping a chip and threw me in a pond.”
“Well, if you think that’s bad, my owner bent me over his knee and played the last six holes with my shaft curved like a banana. Serves him right that he lost $80 three-putting the last 4 holes.”
“At least I got some revenge.” says the 9 iron, “Two nights ago he comes sneaking home at 3 o’clock in the morning, the wife grabbed me out of the bag and creases his skull. I gotta say I got more than a little satisfaction not being on the receiving end for a change.”
“Sweet. Dude! You’re my hero! Equipment Confidential.