Duranko Golf

Max Faulkner Birthday – July 29th, 1916

Today is the birthday of Max Faulkner, born Herbert Gustavus Max Faulkner in 1916 at Bexhill-on-Sea in England. 

His father was a club pro and Max learned the game and assisted his father at a variety of golf courses in Britain.  

He played in 31 Open Championships starting in 1934 at Royal St. Georges through 1975 at Carnoustie.  Faulkner won the Open in 1951 at Royal Portrush in Northern Ireland.  His 6-shot lead held up in the final round, and Faulkner won by 2 over Antonio Cerda.  

Faulkner dressed in bold, brash colors and exuded extreme confidence, earning him the nickname “The Peacock of Portrush.”

He won 14 times as a professional, including the Spanish Open 3 times as well as the Portugese Open in 1968.  He played on 5 Ryder Cup teams and won the cup in 1957, the 1st time the brits had won since 1933.  

Max Faulkner Birthday

Here is a link to the episode on Your Golfer’s Almanac.

Max Faulkner Birthday and Your Golfer’s Almanac is a GolfToons Production – Written, Produced, and Narrated by Michael Duranko.


GolfToons are Golf Cartoons. Check out our collection of original golf illustrations presented as cartoons and thoughts about the game of golf.  We try to offer a wry perspective that looks at every facet of this strange game of ours. The overall idea is a scheme between two golf buddies, Michael Duranko and Marty Glass. If this side-hustle makes any money, they‘re gonna blow it on a golf trip. Enjoy!


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